Love letter in cyber space 60

I know i will never have you in my life but its not like i can just switch of my emotions i just hope where ever you are your doing good and your happy i just wanted to let you know just because i say nothing doesn’t mean im not thinking about you. I feel like im in some messed up love story you see on tv going to the coffee shop everyday and looking out the window and looking for you always. anyway i just wanted to tell you this because i dont want you thinking i have forgotten about you because no matter what happens in my life i will never foget you. Be safe be happy love johnathan xxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 59

This will be my last love letter because i cant keep going on like this anymore its driving me crazy to want you in my arms i dont know if you are truly there or not but if im worth it I’m sure you would of made effort to truly be in my life but also if you are there but cant because of something like your job then i know i would most likely be putting pressure on you wich i dont want to because i love you and will allways want the best for you even if i will never be in your life. So i will stop searching for you i will stop talking about you and i will leav you alone not because i want to but because i love you and dont want to be the one stressing you out so this is my last message to you maybe this is a big risk as part of me hopes you will come forward if i take a step back but if not just remember i truly love you and always will. I wont say goodbye because the door is always open to you to walk into my life but what i will say is have a beautiful day believe in yourself and you are gorgeous just the way you are love johnathan lewis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx😢

Love letter in cyber space 58

I cant change how i feel about you because love is far from a choice its a feeling and i cant say for definite that you are really there in secret from the stuff that happened but i can say im upset and wish you was in my life so if i cant have you i definitely cant stop loving you but i can definitely wind you up and tease you in cyber space because i love you so just in case you are there….

Start to imagine you and me at mine and I’ve got you pinned against my wall with one hand holding your face and my other down your trousers and in your nickers gently playimg with you why i gently kiss your lips and around your neck but then as the tension builds i turn into a animal and start ripping your clothes off and i hold one hand on your neck and i slowly move down your body gently kissing you all the way down but stop for a little at your tits to suck your nipples but then i get to your pusi so i grab your hands and i lay on the floor pulling you down with me as i make you sit on my face so i can force my toung in your pusi but i keep you there buy iver holding your hands down tyt beside your body but as i start to eat your pusi out you lean over me so i let go of your hands and grab your ass tyt pushing your pusi from behind into my face as i keep licking up every drop your pusi has untill you cant take any more then i would stand you back up and pin you against the wall again by my right hand on your throat as i lift your right leg up with my left hand and slid my big shaved smoth cock deep in your pusi and i would slid it in and out all tge way slow over and over so you could feel every inch of my cock going in and out of you slowly 😁 love johnathan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 57

I cant spend my life hoping and dreaming and listening to whisper of hope that you will walk into my life as it drives me crazy as im crazy for you so i will keep moving forward in life trying to live it as theres a good chance someone could use the love letters to pretend they are you and mess with me as im crazy in love gagging for you but if you are truly there and get the chance to walk into my life then please do because i would drop everything im doing that second to give you a hug and probably cry because my dream came true but dont forget im still full of questions but also love for you i cant explain the love i just know you would make me the happiest man on the plant. Ive had so many day dreams about you from coming home from work and walking up behind you why your cooking something and i put my arms around you from behind and start kissing you and you turn around and smile and start kissing me and with in 5 minutes we get naughty and you can ges the rest.. To just being a long day sat on the sofia and i lay my head on your lap and full asleep like that because im safe im happy… So if you can walk into my life do it because i love and want you and always will.. Love johnathan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 55

Im not gonna lie I’ve lost all hope i will ever have you in my life and i cant keep crying and praying for a miracle i can only guss you cant be in my life or dont want to be in my life and what recently happened in my life was someone pretending to be you all i can say is if this is it then i love you and always will love johnathan xxxxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 54

I dream of you every day but also every day i loss more hope that i will ever be with you. I know in my gut chasing after you that day would bin the wrong choice even through i regret not doing it. So know matter what happens in the future i just want you to know you are beautiful you are amazing you have beautiful eyes you have a beautiful soul and you are very much loved just always stay safe always smile because i will allways cear about you ….love johnathan xxxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 53

Right now im thinking of you and yes my thoughts stard off dirty but then as i was about to right this they completely changed into one thing just me and you on the sofa cuddling up in are pjays with me behind you closing my eyes smelling your cent and just that thought has put a smile on my face 😁 but shhh dont tell anyone i smiled i have a rep to uphold as a moody git but incase your wondering im definitely got a smile on my face thinking of holding you i can imagine that and me fulling asleep like that on the sofa and maybe a lil snoring lol. Stay safe sexy love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love letter in cyber space 52

Some days are easy some days are hard somedays i cry and some day flyby but no matter the day your on my mind and today was a dirty day as why i was working i was thinking of all the places i would have sex with you from on the kitchen table to the kitchen side on the stairs with you bent over to on the sofia with you on top to you bent over as i pull your hair.. One of the thoughts was me coming home from work and you are in the kitchen makeing a cup of tea and i come behind you and put my arms around you and give you a kiss on the neck but you turn around and we start to kiss some more and then i cant help myself i begin to strip you and pick you up and put you on the kitchen side and i get between your legs as we start to make love but also alot of kissing and holding each other tyt.. I ent gonna get into all the details but alot of nail digging from you and alot of moaning and biting from me 😝😇 and right now im imagining im behind you whispering dirty words in your ear as one hand on you throat and the other down between you legs and in your nickers 🤫🤐😂 wish you were with me now as id so turn into a cave man and take advantage of every part of your body…. Stay safe sexy love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdd

Love letter in cyber space 51

Are be going to bed soon and lately iv bin laying one of my pillows next to me and imagine its your body thats next to my back that i can feel. Today was a tuff day because not knowing the future wishing everyday when you wake up is the day i find you the day i look into your eyes and the day i hug and kiss you but unfortunately it was not today. I was thinking of what i would of done today with you and as its bin snowing i think you can ges i would get close to you and give you my poppy dog eyes then plant a snowball in your face 🤷‍♂️ softly of course then i would run away so you couldn’t get me back 😁 but also sneak up behind you an put snow down the back of your top and run away again 😁✌️.. Stay safe love johnathan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx